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Man, first stage 1997  Metal night, Loisin, 1999  Metal night, Loisin, 1999  Transit festival, 1999  Dave, first stage, 1997  Le bateau, 2000  Undertown, 1999  Man, Undertown, 1999  Arnaud, Le bateau, 2000  Metal night, Loisin, 1999  Undertown, 1999  Metal night, Loisin, 1999  Aliiine, le Ned, Montreux, 2000  Claude, le Ned, Montreux, 2000  Dave, le Ned, Montreux, 2000  le Ned, Montreux, 2000  Alain, Metal night, Loisin, 2001  Dave, Metal night, Loisin, 2001  Man, Metal night, Loisin, 2001  Arnaud, Metal night, Loisin, 2001  Man, Metal night, Loisin, 2001  Claude, Metal night, Loisin, 2001  Music feast, Geneva, 2001  Music feast, Geneva, 2001  Music feast, Geneva, 2001  Music feast, Geneva, 2001  Dave's jump, Music feast, Geneva, 2001  Music feast, Geneva, 2001  Trying to fly ?, Recording festival, Sion, 2001  Recording festival, Sion, 2001  Usine Geneva 2002  Usine Geneva 2002  Man, Usine Geneva 2002   Usine Geneva 2002  Usine Geneva 2002  Usine Geneva 2002 (by muadx)  Man, Usine Geneva 2002 (by muadx)  Man, Usine Geneva 2002 (by muadx)  Usine Geneva 2002 (by muadx)  Man & Nono, Mad contest, 2002  Dave, MaD contest, 2002  Alex, MaD contest, 2002  Claude, MaD contest, 2002  The final Day, MaD contest, 2002  Man, Battle of metal, Z7, 2002 (picture by Marc, bass player of Zellzius)  Battle of metal, Z7, 2002 (picture by Marc, bass player of Zellzius) 

Angel's wallpapers : 1'024 x 768    800 x 600

Angel's screensaver


AS 1997  AS 1997, 1st concert advertising  Véro, Céline, Hugo & Philou  Chantal & Philippe  Melika & Feriel  Too Sandras !  The FULL complete band  Véro & Maurice, genius photographer of this site !  Véro & Giovanna, a ticinese fan  The fountain, taken from the boat  Nono & Man in summer 2000, by Sandrine A.  The Park's fans : 2 Sandras, Dave & Claude  Arnaud attacks  Dave, Man, Ivan Frésard & Nono  The groupies : Layla, Anandy, Mia & Astrid  Aliiiine & Daniel  the band  Master Gŕbor  Band in nature Friends & us  Alain, Kataryna & Damien  Alain & Nicole (they're so cute...)  Nadia & Robert  Phil, Virginie, Alain & David at Wake the dead studio Gilles, Caroline, David, Nathalie & Mia  Arnaud & Myriam  Nadia, Sandra & Alex Sandra & Nathalie  Angels & their girls  Band in the boxes Rain and Angel Smile after the show at l'Usine, Geneva  The band  Arnaud & Pain of Salvation guitarist Johan Hallgren  Arnaud & James Labrie  Claude, Arnaud & friends with Mike Portnoy Superstar Claude driving...  Claude, master Rudess and Arnaud  Nadia, Gilles & Natalie  Final madness Sophie introducing the band - SIG contest  Fans in action